How do I change my login password (Wisenet)?

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This can be done n the Student Landing page 

Select Wisenet (Student Portal) from the quick links menu.

Wisenet login details

Follow these steps if you have not logged into Wisenet before or if you have forgotten your Wisenet login details.

From the Quick links section on the landing page, select Wisenet (Student Portal)

Select the Forgot Password?  Link

Enter your Te Rito Maioha email address – this will be your

Go to your Outlook email account on the landing page and read the email that you received from Wisenet, this will give you your temporary password.

Go back to the Wisenet login screen and enter your username and temporary password.

You should then be prompted to change your password, enter the current password that was just sent to you and then enter a new password – if you use the same password as your Office 365 account it will be easier to remember.

If you were not prompted to change your password when you first logged in, then you can do this by selecting the change password option in the top right corner of your main Wisenet page

If you have any problems with this, you need to contact Student Services. Please phone them on 0800 244 532 or email them at