Forums and Email
Forums and Email
How do I change how often I receive emails from Pou Manawa Akoranga?
How do I subscribe to a forum?
How do I post a new forum topic?
How do I reply to a forum post online?
What is an online conversation?
How do I use my email program to reply to a message from Pou Manawa Akoranga?
Why am I getting forum posts from forum ____ ?
How do I stop getting forum messages?
How do I know that an email I have received has come from Pou Manawa Akoranga?
Why do people's profile pictures not always appear in messages I receive?
I received a "could not be authenticated" email message - why?
I received a "could not be authenticated" email message - why?
Please use the table of contents on the right to access support related to email and forum postings.
I sent an email reply to Pou Manawa Akoranga and received message back that says my email "could not be authenticated, since it was sent from a different email address than in your user profile. For the message to be authenticated, you need to reply to this message."...what's happening?
This is a feature that Moodle uses to block spam. It thinks your email isn't legitimate, but it could be for a number of reasons, including that you are replying to a post that is more than 4 weeks old, or you are using a different email account than we have on record. To 'release' the email (and have it appear in Pou Manawa Akoranga) just click on "reply" and send the email.
If you have changed email addresses, please contact Student Services. If the problem continues, please email the eLearning Helpdesk.