Forums and Email
Forums and Email
How do I change how often I receive emails from Pou Manawa Akoranga?
How do I subscribe to a forum?
How do I post a new forum topic?
How do I reply to a forum post online?
What is an online conversation?
How do I use my email program to reply to a message from Pou Manawa Akoranga?
Why am I getting forum posts from forum ____ ?
How do I stop getting forum messages?
How do I know that an email I have received has come from Pou Manawa Akoranga?
Why do people's profile pictures not always appear in messages I receive?
I received a "could not be authenticated" email message - why?
Why am I getting forum posts from forum ____ ?
Please use the table of contents on the right to access support related to email and forum postings.
- In order to get access to a course, you have to be enrolled in that course
- When you are enrolled into a course, you are automatically subscribed to any forums in that course that are set to "Auto-subscribe" (which you can unsubscribe from) or "Forced subscription" (mostly for New and Announcements)
- When you reply to a forum you may automatically be subscribed to this forum depending on your forum notification settings under preferences in your profile
- Note - The main exception is the "Site News" forum, which all users of Pou Manawa Akoranga are automatically subscribed to in order to be alerted to any technical issues occurring