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    Day 1

    Hello, I hope you find some parts of the blog of interest, it may give you a flavour of attending a conference and what might be some of the key issues being discussed in research. Much of it will resonate with you in whatever role you are in, student, lecturer, researcher, Te Rito Maioha team members.

    Today I attended a SIG (special interest group).This is a common approach in many conferences that offer further opportunities for people to come together and share in their interests and organise a network where we can share this and work out future collaborations (research, writing etc).

    Today I joined the SIG disability and inclusion group as this links with my area of interest in my research along with the key features in many of our teaching programmes.

    We talked about areas such as transitions for children with disability, the voices of people with disability in their education and how young children recognise and interact with peers who have a disability.

    This evening was the official welcome to conference and a greeting by Glasgow council officials and conference organisers. Again a chance to meet new people (one is a public  kindergarten teacher from Iceland who receives government PD monies and has uses this to attend the conference- if it includes flights accommodation, food and fees that suggests a generous amount!). Thought I would share a Tweet from the day